How Much Sleep Do I Really Need?
The purpose of this blog is to promote Health and Wellness to parents and their children. Our job as physicians is to do exactly this and...

iHeart Media: Sleep Disturbances associated with Binge Watching
Netflix biggest competitor is SLEEP!! Cognizant arousal may get you anxious at the time where you should be gearing down, turning off...

HuffPost - ‘Baa Baa Land,’ The ‘Dullest Movie Ever Made’, Promises To Put You To Sleep
Rajkumar (Raj) Dasgupta, assistant professor of clinical medicine at Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California,...

Forbes: Are Sleep Problems Killing Older Adults?
“I’d just like to further stress the seriousness of obstructive sleep apnea and how it can hurt hearts,” said. Dr. Raj Dasgupta, MD, a...