Business Insider: Arianna Huffington says you should do these 3 things to start sleeping better
We recently talked to a Keck Medicine of USC professor of clinical medicine and fellow of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Raj Dasgupta, to see how Huffington's regimen aligns with what we know about the science of sleep.
In her book and in interviews, Huffington has spoken about the importance of carving out a period of transition between the state of being wakeful and alert and being calm and ready for sleep.
"My own ritual," Huffington recently told "Access Hollywood," "involves taking a hot bath with candles because I love rekindling the romance with sleep."
This practice is an important component of sleep hygiene because it helps tell our bodies that we're getting ready for rest.
"When you're going to bed, you want to do things that are relaxing, like reading a book," said Dasgupta. "You want to gradually transition into sleep."
Huffington said that she also removes all electronic devices — tablets, phones, computers — from her bedroom so as to avoid attention-grabbing things like email, the news, or social media.
This is another classic sleep hygiene approach.
"At bedtime, you want to be at peace," Dasgupta said. "Things that will probably make you feel not at peace include the news."
While Huffington writes that she turns off all of her devices 30 minutes before bedtime, some experts suggest a slightly larger device-free window of roughly an hour before bed.